• Research
    Computing Center
    Lomonosov Moscow
    State University


    • Supercomputing technologies in science, education and industry. Seminar Chair  - Academician of RAS V.A. Sadovnichiy, Professor A.V. Tikhonravov, Corr. Member of RAS Vl.V. Voevodin. Room 238, MSU 2-d Educ. Building
    • RCC seminar for research and methodology. Seminar Chair - Professor, Doctor Phys.-Math. Sci. A.V. Tikhonravov. 3rd Thursday of the month, 11.00, Big Conference Hall of the Research Computing Center.
    • Mathematical modelling of geophysical processes - direct and inverse problems. Co-chairs - Corr. Member of RAS V.N. Lykosov, Dr.Habil. in Phys. and Math. V.M. Stepanenko. 1st, 3rd Thursday of the month, 17.15, Big Conference Hall of the Research Computing Center. 
    • Supercomputer modelling of climate system. Seminar Chairs - Academician of RAS V.A. Sadovnichiy. Co-chairs - Doctor of Tech. Sci. R.M. Wilfand, Director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, Corr. Member of RAS S.A. Dobrolyubov, Dean of the Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University, Corr. Member of RAS V.N. Lykosov, principal researcher, Institute of Numerical Mathematics, RAS, Dr.Habil. in Phys. and Math. V.M. Stepanenko., Deputy Director for Research, Research Computing Center. Once a month, on Wednesdays, 17.30, Room 238, MSU 2-d Educ. Building.
    • Mathematical models and numerical experiment. Seminar Chair - Professor, Doctor Phys.-Math. Sci. A.V. Tikhonravov. Wednesday, 17.00, Big Conference Hall of the Research Computing Center.
    • Parallel.ru research seminar. Seminar Leader - Corr. Member of RAS Vl.V. Voevodin. Monday, 18.00, Big Conference Hall of the Research Computing Center.
    • Electrodynamics of cosmos and dynamo theory. Seminar Chair - Professor D.D. Sokolov. Thursday, 18.30, Small Conference Hall of the Research Computing Center.
    • Inverse problems of mathematical physics. Seminar Chair - Professor A.G. Yagola, Professor A.B. Bakushinsky, Professor A.V. Tikhonravov. Wednesday, 18.00, Big Conference Hall of the Research Computing Center.
    • Methods for information systems development based on automated semi-structured data processing. Seminar Chair - Candidate Phys.-Math. Sci. B.V. Dobrov. Wednesday, 18.00, Small Conference Hall of the Research Computing Center.
    • Inverse problems of diagnostics and synthesis in wave models. Seminar Chair - Professor A.V. Goncharsky. Monday, 10.00, Room 112-2.
    • Molecular modeling of biologically active compounds. Seminar Chair - Doctor Phys.-Math. Sci. V.B. Sulimov. Monday, 11.00, Big Conference Hall of the Research Computing Center.